Paulina Howfield discusses Letting in the Light

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Cosmic Conversation – Letting in the Light

Header for cosmic conversation for letting in the lightWe are living in unusual times, with unique challenges and this audio conversation by Paulina discusses how Letting in the Light of Divine Consciousness and going within for answers, are helpful at this time of Global Change.

While what we are experiencing has been prophesied for many years, it has nevertheless caught many people off guard, and brought up fears and concerns about the truth of what is happening; confusion about why it is happening; and what if anything can be done about it. Powerful times to lose our centre and make us wobble.

Letting in the Light

Fortunately, as always, the celestial bodies and our planet are working in harmony to help each of us cleanse, clear, align and awaken – to our inner light, and to the truth of who we are.

At the time of the March Equinox our planet, and every living thing on her body, was bathed in extreme light from the cosmos, and all we need to do is to start letting in the light to feel and experience our own connection to Divine Consciousness

We can do this by meditating or practising creative visualisation and consciously letting in the light. We can visualise the Light entering our subtle bodies, and then moving into every part of our physical body – into our skin, organs, tissues, muscles, bones, blood, cells, micro-particles and DNA .

And it doesn’t stop there, we can focus on letting in the light to our thoughts, feelings and behaviours – those aspects of who we are that create the reality we think that we live in, as well as our belief systems, and our sense of place in the world.

Paying Attention helps in Letting in the Light 

Paying attention to our thoughts and emotions, keeping our frequencies high, and going within for answers are important at this time of Global Change and help us integrate our experiences and move forward into our new Earth with grace, integrity and wisdom. They help us re-connect to our inner truth, inner wisdom and Divine Sovereignty.

Letting in the Light also helps us to step out of the fear, anger, grief, and depression that is coming to the surface of our collective consciousness. It can help us keep our fields clear, and our reactions heart felt…keeping clarity and personal alignment as the pea- soup energies connected to the shadow side of our collective unconscious run rampant.

So ‘step out’ of the influences of the ‘Collective Unconscious’ and embrace your Sovereignty. Listen to the audio below and find ways of letting in the light and fostering a profound connection with your innate Sovereignty. You can listen to the audio by clicking on the image below:

Header for cosmic conversation for letting in the light





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