Phone – 0439 947 109 Email – phowfield@hotmail.com
Magnets for Sale – created from the Artwork of Paulina Howfield
$5.00 each, $9.00 for two, $20.00 for five (plus p+p)
This selection of magnets describes the etheric energies present at sacred sites around the world.
Placing them on your fridge will assist in the energy enhancement in your home and workplace.
They can be bought individually or as sets of five, AND make great stocking fillers or small gifts of appreciation to friends and family. To purchase one or more, contact Paulina by phone or email.
Earth Healing I – This magnet image is taken from the central part of a larger mixed media painting Paulina did in 2008 as a lead up to an Exhibition about Earth energies. It connects with the rhythms and pulse of the universe as well as the energies of the four directions and the medicine wheel.
Earth Healing II – This magnet image is taken from the central part of a larger mixed media painting Paulina did in 2008 as a lead up to an Exhibition about Earth energies. It connects with the rhythms and pulse of the universe as well as the energies of the four directions and the medicine wheel.
Rainbow Spirals – This magnet image is taken from a larger mixed media painting Paulina did in 2009, and explores the light and movement of spirals in water as they reflect rainbows
Green Spirals – This magnet image is taken from part of a larger mixed media painting Paulina did in 2009 and explores how colours vibrate in harmony with spirals
Spirals – This magnet image is taken from a larger mixed media painting Paulina did in 2008 that explores the dynamics of spirals and their effects on energies in the land