Phone – 0439 947 109 Email – phowfield@hotmail.com
Soul Readings with Paulina Howfield
Paulina does 30 minutes ($85) and 1 hour Readings ($120) in person, by phone or on skype. Readings can be done with or without cards. To discuss what you want, or make a booking with Paulina, contact her today….Your Soul is calling out…can you hear the Whispers?
‘Thanks for doing the reading with your Soul Whisper Cards for me today.
Your comments were so right and so on point. Love your images too’
‘Soul Whispers Cards’ Readings
For these Readings Paulina uses her deck of Soul Whispers Cards that she created. There are 44 cards in a pack and each Card combines one of her photographs of the natural world with her own psychological and spiritual affirmations. The ‘Soul Whispers’ Cards were created to help bring Peace and Calm to your daily life, and help you develop a focus for your Meditations.
They will also encourage you to hear the Truth that resonates WITHIN YOU and act upon the Teachings from Your UNIQUE SOUL. Each Card helps the user listen and to, and act upon, the Whispers of their Soul in their daily life. Card topics include abundance, healing, wonder, strength, meditation and perseverance and much more.
When Paulina uses these Cards she attunes to your Soul and creates Readings based on information from your Soul. Because she created these cards and deliberately infused them with the essence of her own Soul as well, these Readings are like no other that you will receive, and can be very enlightening as she talks Soul to Soul with you.
The back image is of the Soul Whispers Cards Deck is the tri-spiral that is carved into the entrance stone at the neolithic temple of Newgrange in Ireland – which was deliberately chosen by Paulina to infuse every card with the energies of this ancient symbol that connects us to our Soul, Deep Inner Essence and Galactic Memory
Paulina does ‘Ten Minutes Tasters’ of these Soul Whisper Readings when she talks at Workshops and Conferences, and her Readings and the Soul Whispers Card Deck, are very popular.
‘Your reading was Awesome. Thanks so much for your time.
I love your cards and thanks again for helping me get clear on what to do next’
‘Animal Medicine Card’ Readings
Paulina incorporates information from angels, guides and helpers and the energy of Medicine Cards to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of.
Paulina has been using Animal Medicine Cards to give readings for many years. She also uses them in her Workshops and Training Programmes. These methods of reading provide clarity in the current issue and can help the person being read for make a deeper sense of the reading.The Animal Cards particularly help the conscious mind link into the natural and animal world for deeper understanding of how the issue is presenting in their current life.
‘After my fantastic reading with you last year, I knew your were the person to contact in relation to my current issues. Your half hour reading was very helpful and you clarified what was going on and what I could do at my meeting this afternoon’
‘Rune’ Readings
Paulina incorporates information from angels, guides and helpers and the energy of Runes to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of.
Paulina has been using Runes to give readings for many years. She also uses them in her Workshops and Training Programmes. These methods of reading provide clarity in the current issue and can help the person being read for make a deeper sense of the reading. Runes get straight to the point and provide ancient symbols to help the conscious mind understand the wisdom of the Soul, for deeper understanding of how the issue is presenting in their current life.
Soul Readings Without Cards
Paulina uses her skills in mediumship, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience to deliver readings that help you understand more about your unique patterns, past lives and soul issues. She can also decipher the energies in your subtle bodies and help you identify what you have come to embrace and let go of. She can help you:
– Explore emotional & subtle body imprints
– Teach about spiritual and soul issues
– Explain past life and karma
– Source energetic patterning in the DNA
– Cleanse and align chakras
You can choose to do any of the above in a Reading, or Paulina can work with you to find out what you need. Readings can be done on skype or by phone and last for 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour.