Phone: 61 439 947 109 Email: phowfield@hotmail.com
Links to Archived Articles discussing Earth Energies, Metaphysics and Spirituality
All bar one of the Archived Articles listed below, were written by Paulina Howfield. Some were published in Independent Print Magazines. Others were written while she was a correspondent for Sedona Magazine. Many have been adapted from her Talks at Conferences, or expanded from short articles on her blog page. All of these Archived Articles are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced or quoted from in any way without her permission:
‘Remote Viewing Discovers a Phoenician Wreck’ – Archived Articles Copyright, December, 2021
In this Article Paulina discusses how she found an ancient Phoenician shipwreck while remote viewing. Recently the shipwreck was discovered and is considered a great historic find. You can read more about her discovery here
The Collective Spiritual Awakening and The Harmonic Convergence, Article Copyright, August, 2021
In this Article Paulina discusses how The Harmonic Convergence on August 16-17, 1987 was a time of activations that triggered the Collective Spiritual Awakening, and what we see and feel taking place in the world right now, is connected to what we did back then. You can read more here
‘Communicating With Animals’ – Archived Articles Copyright, November, 2019
In this Article, Paulina discusses her interactions and communication with animals, and explains how she helps them with behaviour issues, anxiety or when they are sick and dying. She shares a story about a dog called Tyson’s who wanted to be able to die well, and how she helped him go about it. Read more:
‘The Magic and Mystery of the Black Madonna’ – Archived Articles Copyright, September 2018
In Canungra in South-east Queensland there is a certified replica of ‘The Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa’ – a Black Madonna original that has been in the care of the Pauline Monks in Poland, since the 1400s. The original ‘Lady of Czestochowa’ has a complex history, which helps define her as a ‘Black Madonna’ rather than just a black Madonna….Read more
‘Gosford Glyphs And Sightings’ – Archived Articles Copyright, July 2018
The Gosford Glyphs, also known as the Kariong Glyphs, are located about 60 kms north of Sydney in the Brisbane National Park. While they are not easy to find, the Gosford Glyphs (carvings in stone) have been visited, photographed and researched by many people over the years, including archaeologists and scientists, and have been the subject of many discussions…..Read more
‘Bridging the Left and Right Brain Hemispheres Can Make Positive Changes in our Lives’ – Archived Articles Copyright, May, 2018
Bridging the left and right brain, helps us communicate more effectively; reduces stress and anxiety; develops our creative problem solving skills; and allows us to live richer more meaningful lives. Bridging the left and right brain is valuable, because when we combine both the left and right sides of our brains we develop a new understanding about….Read more
‘Medicine Wheels On Your Land Will Help You Reconnect’ – Archived Articles Copyright 2018
Medicine Wheels are powerful meditation tools that help us connect with our inner selves, the middle, upper and lower worlds and the spirit of all that is. Medicine Wheels are usually made with stones or crystals that have been collected and gathered with dedication and purpose. Some Medicine Wheels are constructed on altars and small healing tables, and become attuned to the person who interacts with them for meditation, healing and energy alignment…..Read more
‘Working With Nature Spirits on the Land’ – Copyright, 2018
Working with Nature Spirits on the land is important and helps us create healthy and harmonious landscapes and habitats. If you haven’t done it before, now is the time to start harmoniously interacting with the Nature Spirits on your land. When we live on land, when we work with land, and when we are guardians of the land, it is important to create a harmonious relationship with the devic energies present and interact with them to find out where they live and what they need from us….Read more
‘Ashes to Orbs with Glass Punk Studios’ – Archived Articles Copyright, 2017
If you have lost a loved one and want to have keepsake of their ashes, these glass orb ash receptacles made by Dan Bugitti are spectacular. I loved them when I came across them a year ago, and was honoured to write this article about how they are made and why…..Read more
‘Interacting With Our Soul at Solstice’ – Copyright, 2017
Interacting with our Soul at Solstice, helps us interact with high frequency celestial energies for deeper spiritual understanding. The Solstice is a time when the energies of the Sun are at a point of change. It heralds either the shortest or longest day of the year and a change of season. At a very basic level it is about Light – how much Light we can access every day from the Sun; and how can we use that Light to cleanse our subtle bodies, release our inner shadow, and build our light quotient…..Read more
‘Heal and Cleanse Ancestral Trauma From Your Subtle Bodies’ – Copyright, 2017
As the energy frequencies change and we are elevated to new states of consciousness, any and all ‘ancestral’ trauma that is stored in our subtle bodies gets activated. It may be from previous lifetimes, from other NOW lifetimes that our Soul is currently experiencing, or it could be trans-generational or collective…..Read more
‘Near Death Experiences and the SOUL’ – Copyright, 2017
Near death experiences drop us into the heart, take our breath away and dissolve the words. Understanding them via the expressions of our Soul and engaging with them through multi-dimensional truths is a profound way to learn more about them and can potentially help all of humanity as we move deeper into the spiritual evolution of our species. Paulina discusses this and more in relation to how the soul encodes triggers for near death experiences and spiritual awakenings before we are born.…..Read more
‘Archetypal Stories Help Us Transmute our Energies With Fire’ – Copyright, 2016
Archetypal Stories Can Help Us Transmute Our Energies With Fire. They can help us develop spiritual knowledge and identify techniques to help us Transmute Our Energies With Fire. Stories and mythologies are rich with symbol and metaphor. They help create meaning in our lives, and often provide esoteric wisdom and metaphysical insights that help us grow spiritually….. Read more
‘Should We Go Into The Light When We DIE?’ – Copyright 2016
Researchers in the fields of Near Death Experiences, Ufology and Conspiracy Theories are currently asking the question ‘Should We Go Into The Light At The Time of Death?’ Many are asking questions about the cycle of reincarnation, what the Afterlife really is, and whether the Other Worlds are really just examples of Mind Control and Collective Programming. Some people are saying that when we die we should not go towards the Light, or into the Tunnel. Doing so means we risk reincarnating for the benefit of deceptive self-serving multi-dimensional beings…. Read more
‘Paying Attention and Developing Awareness to Create a Peaceful World’ – Copyright 2015
Each of us can make a difference to the ‘mindset’ of our collective unconscious. We are all connected and nothing exists in isolation. We all need to be clear what we are contributing to and helping to manifest in our own lives, in our communities, in the cosmos and on the planet. As the fear and violence in our collective consciousness comes to the surface for recognition and healing, it is time to start paying attention and developing awareness to create a peaceful world….Read more
‘Alien Contact Helps Access Our Cosmic Essence and Teaches About Multi-Dimensional Consciousness’ – Copyright, 2015
We live in a multiple universe that is full of different realities and home to numerous other beings. Close encounters with these beings has occurred on this planet for hundreds and thousands of years. All ancient cultures have stories of such interactions. Some of these cultures actually evolved from these beings. Others were imparted with knowledge and skills that helped them develop relationships with the planet, read the heavens and connect to their cosmic essence…..Read more
‘Solstice Rituals and Ceremonies at Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments’ – Copyright, 2014
Almost all stone circles and megalithic monuments link into the energies of the cosmos. Many track the movements of the Sun and/or Moon, some align to Orion, the Pleiades, Alpha Centauri and Sirius.These monuments and circles demonstrate the astronomical knowledge of our forebears, and their profound understanding of the movements of the heavenly bodies……….Read more
‘Clairvoyance and Earth Energy Work’ – Copyright, 2012
Working with light, infusing it, re-arranging it, holding its frequencies and vibrations, and aligning it in places and things, is what I do every day. Sometimes I interact with and infuse light into the frequencies of the mind, body, spirit and soul of humanity – both collectively and individually……….Read more
‘Healing with the Divine Mother’ – Copyright 2010
As we individually and collectively awaken to the essence of the Divine Mother and all things feminine, the world that we live in is gradually changing its focus from separation and greed, to connection and love. As this happens western culture is re-connecting with the natural world, the right side of the brain, psychic phenomena, intuition and healing…….
‘Changing Our View of Death’ – Copyright, 2008
This article was written for a magazine and published in print in 2008. Western culture’s understanding of the Afterlife has developed since then, and our belief systems about how to engage with death are changing focus. However, what I wrote is still relevant today, as we continue to learn about what happens after death. perhaps one day soon we will all know what living our dying can really teach us……Read more
‘Becoming the New Earth’ (Lead Article – Conscious Living Magazine – Issue 80) – Copyright, 2008
Many people believe that Earth is just a giant rock that revolves around a brilliant Sun. However she is a living breathing consciousness with a soul, subtle bodies and energy nodes. Her soul is known as Gaia, and is the governing consciousness of the energy fields that resonate within and around her……Read more
‘Earth Imprints and their Effects on Consciousness’ (Published – NOVA Magazine) – Copyright, 2007
Our planet’s body has been stamped with vibrational essences since the beginning of her existence. These energetic stamps or ‘imprints’ can have a strong and lasting effect on our subtle bodies. They can affect the way a person thinks and what they think about. They can influence a person’s mental consciousness for years. They also influence the emotions and behaviour and can dramatically impact upon energy levels…….Read more
‘Vision Quest – Medicine Wheel Brings Otter Wisdom’ (Published – Conscious Living Magazine) – Copyright, 2001
Under the light of a near full moon, I prepared my medicine wheel. First I placed a stone in the north, to align with the element of earth. I asked for the wisdom and support of the elders. Next I placed a stone in the east, to align with the element of air. I asked for the support of the breath of the universe and the winged creatures who fly within it……….Read more
‘How to do a Vision Quest’ (Published – Conscious Living Magazine) – Copyright, 2001
A Vision Quest traditionally takes a minimum of twenty four hours. This ensures that the initiate experiences a full cycle of energies. However they can and usually do last for much longer periods, often for several weeks. Several weeks is a long commitment for anyone and for some of us, so is twenty four hours……. Read more
‘Natural Rhythms & the Autumnal Equinox’(Published – Conscious Living Magazine) – Copyright, 2001
The season of Autumn is always heralded by a celestial event. Known as an ‘Equinox’ it takes place when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator. For one day only, the length of day and night are exactly the same. This movement of the Sun and its effects on Mother Nature, has been celebrated and honoured by Earth cultures……. Read more
‘Using Transactional Analysis as part of an Integrative Approach in Counselling and Arts Psychotherapy’ – Author: Nancy Davidson:
Ms Howfield is a psychotherapist who uses a wide number of modalities in hre work, They include integrative art therapy, transpersonal psychology, gestalt and TA. Ms Howfield uses TA as part of her approach with a wide range of clients including children, families, couples and groups. She has used TA across cultures and in many countries…….Read more
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