Full Moon energies – Friday 13th June

It’s Friday the 13th and its a full moon!

As someone who was born at midnight on the 12th /13th of October on a full moon, and a Friday, I know a bit about how these energies can influence a life. Add to that the symbolic energies and superstitions of a ‘Black Friday’ and anything can happen, and probably will. People who work in hospitals, police personnel and fire workers also know the kinds of events and emotional outbursts that can be affected by the presence such a moon. I hope you have a great full moon and enjoy the changes and influences it brings. For those of you who are superstitious, throw salt over your left shoulder and all will be well. Alternatively have a dance to Stevie Wonder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjsVWSHw5fQ&feature=kp

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