2014 is a Seven Year

2014 is a Seven Year – Perfect Energetically for Spiritual Growth and Personal Reflection.

Seven provides a ‘cocooning’ state for the psyche, in which you can analyse, reflect and try to shed any behaviours, relationships or patterns that may be preventing your personal growth.

2014 is a seven year

2014 is a seven year

A seven year is usually a year for learning, and there can be many changes within, which can deeply affect our emotions forcing us to think more carefully about the consequences of our thought and actions.

Being alone with nature can make a positive difference in your state of mind during this year, and the important questions like –
Who am I?
What am I?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose? –
are appropriate to look into this year.

Ultimately any changes during this year will make us more aware of where our personal strengths lie.

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