Create Harmonious Places on Earth

Consultations, Ceremonies and Rituals to Create Harmonious Places on Earth

We all want to Create Harmonious Places where we Live,

But we also need to do it on the land and Earth so that devic energies, river ways, vegetation and sky energies can come together in balance and harmony. These Consultations help you create harmonious places on Earth that balance and energise your land, and help you connect with and enjoy the Earth –

Rituals and Blessings:

Basmudging helps to create harmonious places on earth lance and cleanse the energies of your land and waterways; honour the devic energies and nature spirits; and harmonize and synchronize their fields to the Unity Consciousness Grid and ongoing Earth Changes; and create a Sacred Space for you to meditate or work in.

Physical or Etheric Medicine Wheels and Sacred Symbol Activations:

Crmedicine wheels help to create harmonious places on earth eate a Sacred Space for you to meditate or work in. Placing healing imprints on your land and in your home transforms your living space making it sacred, connecting it to the Earth, the cosmos and the pulse of the universe. These creations can be large installations, to be used for gatherings and ceremonies, or small intimate spaces for personal and family use.


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