September Equinox 2013

Tomorrow is the September Equinox 2013

what is important about the september equinox 2013

September Equinox 2013

The Equinox is a potent portal of initiation that leads us into higher dimensions and their expression at the leading edge of human consciousness. It also marks a substantial shift in the Earth grid template grid, or really the birthing of a newly established grid. this gird is also part of the emergence of what is often referred to as the New Human. The New Human as a paradigm of embodied, aware, divine consciousness.

This embodies a collective realization of ‘Christ Consciousness’ – not just conceptually, but energetically in the full human energy field. It also involves a group mind in alignment with Divine Will. These New Humans who radiate in resonance with this field of new harmonics, are consciously multidimensional and knowingly divine.

This energy system will support the further expansion of all individuals on Earth, seed reality with more and more expansive, coherence and order and also begin to transmit and ground the paradigm of the new reality as a collective field. As any of you open to the fullness of your being and to the world, and generate the energetic capacity of this alignment, you move into resonance with this new field.

For some words of wisdom from the Council of Light via Meredith Murphy about the September equinox 2013 go to:

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