Proving the Paranormal Phenomena

Proving the Paranormal is Real is not easy for Scientists as they can’t test, measure and study such phenomena the way science requires

proving the paranormal is difficult unless science changes

proving the paranormal

A growing number of scientists are calling for a shift in scientific methods to enable acknowledgement of paranormal phenomena that is commonly experienced  and techniques that can help them focus on proving the paranormal, as these things are difficult to study according to conventional methods. Here’s a look at some insights from scientists who explore paranormal phenomena or matters related to human consciousness, discussing things like how do you form a control group and more.

Dr Gary Schwartz says – “If you’re going to test someone who claims to do extraordinary things, it’s essential that you design the experiment to be as close as possible to what they actually do….And if you don’t design an experiment around their actual skills, you can end up asking people to do things that they actually can’t do or that don’t really represent what they do.”

Dr. Bernard Beitman proposes the establishment of a trans disciplinary study called “Coincidence Studies” and wrote in a 2011 paper: “One of the biggest challenges in the development of the new discipline of Coincidence Studies is providing a systematic place in scientific research for subjectivity and for human consciousness. Meaningful coincidences depend upon the mind of the observer. The question of how to develop methods and an accompanying technical language that includes and respects the subjective element built into the fabric of coincidence needs to be answered.”

Dr. Alan Sanderson founded the Spirit Release Foundation in 1999, an organization dedicated to the clinical treatment of spirit possession. In 2003 he wrote: “I want to stress that the concept of spirit attachment and the practice of spirit release are not based on faith, as are religious and mystical beliefs. They are based on the observation of clinical cases and their response to standard therapeutic techniques………This is a scientific approach, albeit one that takes account of subjective experience and is not confined by contemporary scientific theory.”

You can read more about their ideas for proving the paranormal is real here:


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