Earth Energies: September Equinox 2014

Interacting with Earth Energies helps us – Understand Celestial Events like the Equinox and Solstice; Develops our Clairvoyance and Psychic Skills; and Teaches us how to Decipher the Wisdom in Earth Mythology

We have just experienced the September Equinox. The energy frequency of this celestial event was primed to help us to connect to Earth energies and grow more as spiritual beings. The stone circles and sacred sites on this planet that house temples and buildings that align with the sun, moon and celestial energies were put in place by our cosmic ancestors, to encourage future humanity to interact with the Earth, earth energies, and geomythics imprints, and use the mythologies of the cosmos for spiritual enlightenment and esoteric understanding.

sunset_thinker_300While our ancestors did just this, and used them to connect with Earth energies and seasons, modern humanity is really only starting to remember what they are about; how we can interact with them; and what they can teach us.  In our quest for knowledge, however, what is often forgotten, is that these sites are filled with vibrations and energies that can only really be understood and fully embraced via clairvoyant and psychic interaction. They are rich with symbolism, mythology, and energetic imprints and all of them contain the history and the mystery of this planet and her many species.
To honour the Earth energies present in this Equinox, I asked for guidance from the medicine cards. What I wondered can this Equinox helps us understand about our species, our planet and her Earth energies? I pulled two cards – the Ant (patience) and the Horse (power). Both beautiful representations of what has been happening on this planet and in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Ant medicine is the strategy of patience! It is also about group mind and self sacrifice.

As we change collectively and individually it is important that we realise everything happens at the right time, and that dreams come to fruition at their own pace. We have become used to personal gratification and swiftness in getting what we want, but this journey of change and collective spiritual development cannot happen overnight.
Ant medicine also cautions for us to be aware of ‘those individuals who make greed a way of life prey on the fear and urgency of those who have forgotten natural and tribal law’. It requests that we become aware of users and con artists, and don’t allow panic to outweigh our natural sensibilities.
This seems very wise counsel as the collective is currently fed what those in power wish us to believe. Wars are started in our name, greed is sanctioned in the name of progress, and the truth of who we are and what we are really here for is veiled in secrecy, thereby enabling aggressive plans based on the need for power to take the forefront in our imaginations.

Horse is about Power and counsels that when we live in tribal law, in harmony with all things, and in particular with the Earth, we recognise that Power is not given lightly but awarded to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner!

This medicine teaches us how to strive for a balanced medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering our total journey. Wisdom comes from remembering pathways we have walked in another person’s shoes. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing our gifts, talents and abilities are the gateways to power.
With Horse medicine we can remember to embrace and heal the shadow. Remember that it is in the Void, where the answers live.  The East – where the sun rises – and is reflected in the Equinox, is where illumination lives, and is the home of the yellow stallion. The white stallion that is filled with the light of the Sun is the message carrier for all other horses – and represents wisdom in power! This is the embodiment of the medicine shield – that no abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom.

This is a powerful teaching for this time! And really at any time! We need to become our own wise counsel, follow the path of peace, and heal our shadows of greed and power.

I believe that it is time to develop and cultivate our relationship with our intuition and clairvoyant self – which has a great BS monitor and can feel the truth and HOLD the truth in times of necessity. Now is the time to step out of the shadows and hold the light. There is no enemy but that which we ‘perceive’ to be real. Our thoughts and perceptions are not real, they are projections and illusions. Counsel, counsel, counsel! It’s time to connect with the Earth, connect with each other and let go of the need to separate, live in fear and have power over. There is no-thing and nothing that can be taken away. Change your beliefs, turn off the news and surrender to the REAL truth, get out in nature, meditate with the Earth, connect with earth energies and let the Earth teach you who you are, where you come from, and what you really need.
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