Spiritual Development & Releasing Greed in 2017

Spiritual Development and Conscious Awakening in 2017

With regard to our Spiritual Development, 2016 has been a year of completion, helping us to finish our projects, release old habits and for many famous people, as well as our own friends and loved ones, it has been a year of completing the current cycle of 3D life on this planet.

spiritual development and light As we move into the frequencies that 2017 brings we enter the energy of the number 1, connecting us to beginnings, new ideas, new creations and unique concepts. So it’s time to start that new project, step into your true essence and embrace your uniqueness with all its quirks. Number 1 also resonates with the deepest understanding that we each create our own reality and what we pay attention to, and what we focus on, creates the world that we live in.

Spiritual Development and Personal Responsibility

This is what the past twenty five years has been pushing us towards – to taking responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs and actions. But of course that is only one aspect of the spiritual awakening. To fully embrace who we are, and experience a deeper connection to universal consciousness, each of us also needs to recognise that we are not our thoughts, we are not our minds, we are not our beliefs, and we are not our bodies.

Spiritual Development means Integrating I AM THAT I AM

This is where we begin to explore the I AM THAT I AM that we are all a part of. If we are not our thoughts – then who or what is Thinking? If we are not our emotions, but we have feelings and emotional reactions to things that take place in our lives – then what is their Source? If we are not our Bodies yet we think we are – what can this teach us about death and the Afterlife? These are just some of the questions that can lead us to a deeper, yet less attached connection, to our true cosmic nature.

In 2017, as we embrace all that a number 1 year can bring, I wish that each and everyone one of you, and myself too, may have a deeper connection to That Which Is, to the truth of Who We Are, and the Love that is ALL that there is. May our Hearts be more Open, May Gratitude Resonate in all we do, and our individual and collective Fear and Greed Surrender to the Trust that is our Divine Nature.

Just to get us moving here is the beautiful song about Greed by ‘Sweet Honey in the Rock’ – Greed has a sneaky snare and thankfully they found away to sing about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZVeZYCS7fw

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