March Equinox 2018

The March Equinox is on Wed the 21st at 3.15am

Can you feel the energies building? Perhaps you are experiencing their effects in your thoughts and feelings, or maybe in the way you are interacting with others.

The March Equinox is a great time to connect with the energies of the Sun for growth and personal transformation. So why not link into the Golden Orb to claim back cosmic memory and heal all sense of separation.

Image of March Equinox

March Equinox

The March Equinox is a great time to connect to the energies and frequencies of the SUN for deep change and inner cleansing. So bask as much as you can in the higher frequencies of light that the SUN is currently sending our way……Even when it is cloudy, or raining, and even when the sky is covered in trails, we can still access the real energy of the Sun and all the transformative effects.

During the next week, as you perform the regular activities of your daily life, consider how the energy of the Sun impacts you. While you may not consider its effects to be of extreme importance in your life, if the Sun was to disappear and everything was to go black – as prophesied for at least six days sometime in the future – how would you feel without it? Could you orient yourself? Would you feel stable without any light from the Sun?

Access Cosmic Memory At The March Equinox 

image by paulina of sunset at equinox

Sunset at Equinox

The Sun has been worshipped by many of us in the history of our planet and not just for the Light that is given, but also for the cosmic memory that is shared. During the next seven days as we approach the Equinox, why not make the Golden Orb in the sky a ‘familiar’. Breathe in the light that is emitted from one of the largest orbs in our cosmos, and fill your subtle bodies with the energy as it bounces across the planet! Sit with a sunset or sunrise. Breathe in deeply, reach your arms to the sky and give thanks.

Let the Light lift your frequencies; let it cleanse your chakras; and with gratitude and love encourage it to activate the ancient encodings in your cellular blueprint, so that you can claim back your cosmic memory and heal all sense of separation.
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