Soul Whispers Card Reading & Meditation for the March Equinox

Meditation for the March Equinox At the bottom of this page, you can find the link to the Meditation for the March Equinox

The Meditation includes an in-depth explanation of the Soul Whispers Cards Reading mentioned below, with all cards being drawn to help us align with the energies and teachings of this latest March Equinox.

 Paulina’s Reading for the Equinox with her Soul Whispers Cards

She asked the following Questions:

1) What is our collective Soul focus for this Equinox? 

The card she chose was ‘Opening’ (My Heart is Opening to Love – My Mind is Opening to New Ideas – I AM Blessed By ALL That I Receive);

2) What will happen as a result of this Soul focus? –

The card she chose was ‘Alignment’ (I AM Aligned With The Truth Of The Universe And The Real Story Of Who I AM – Nothing And No One Can Shake It);

3) What is the long term outcome of this Soul focus?

The card she chose was ‘Growth’ (I Look For Self-Growth In All The Experiences That I Have – Each Day I Grow A Little);

Here is the link to the Meditation for the March Equinox that Paulina did for connecting with Hanging Rock

Here is the link for the Meditation for the March Equinox that she did on her facebook page (and provides an in-depth explanation of her Soul Whispers Card Reading

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