Tag Archives: using the Soul Whispers Cards
December Solstice 22nd, 2019 (3:19 pm EST)

December Solstice Energies and Influences No matter where we live on our planet, the December Solstice is a time when we can be highly sensitive to the energies around us. This is because the veils between the visible and invisible … Continue reading
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Tagged clairvoyance and the solstice, connecting to the cosmos at solstice, earth grids and changing consciousness, Solstice energies, solstice rituals and celebrations, using the Soul Whispers Cards
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Soul Whispers Card Reading & Meditation for the March Equinox

Meditation for the March Equinox At the bottom of this page, you can find the link to the Meditation for the March Equinox The Meditation includes an in-depth explanation of the Soul Whispers Cards Reading mentioned below, with all cards … Continue reading
Posted in Blog
Tagged activations and alignments in the earth, celestial energies and influences at equinox, clairvoyant readings, collective soul focus, earth meditations, march equinox, meditating using light, meditations to let in the light, meditations with Paulina Howfield, reclaim cosmic memory at the March Equinox, shamanic journey meditations, soul readings, soul whispers cards, using the Soul Whispers Cards
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