Matrix Harmonics on Facebook

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Matrix Harmonics on Facebook

Matrix Harmonics is also on Facebook. Paulina puts up regular posts about all sorts of things that can make a difference to our personal and planetary healing. She includes product and workshop updates, images of her artwork and lots of esoteric information. Each day has different topics and themes. Click here to connect with Paulina and Matrix Harmonics on Facebook, visit the page, click on your ‘like’ button and keep in touch with what is happening on a daily basis. Paulina looks forward to your company on facebook at matrix harmonics, or her artist page

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Remote Viewing Discovers A Phoenician Shipwreck

2,700 years ago a Phoenician merchant ship sank off the coast of Malta.
In December 1989 Paulina Howfield was remote viewing in the area,
and discovered the ship wreck.

remote viewing a Phoenician-Shipwreck

Paulina wasn’t actually looking for a boat, at the time she found it, but was psychically investigating any and all information connected to the real history of this planet and our cosmic human origins. She is a psychic and telepath trained in numerous disciplines including mediumship and remote viewing, and often uses these skills to interact with the Soul Consciousness of the Earth, Higher Consciousness Beings and Non-Human Intelligences to investigate the real truth of our planet and our cosmic origins. She often usesremote viewing to investigate places on this planet and in other galaxies to discover energy templates and imprints that affect Earth and influence humanity as we develop spiritual awareness and galactic consciousness.

When she came across the phoenician wreck, Paulina was sitting on a rocky outcrop following the energy patterns and investigating different beacons of light that kept appearing in the cosmic fields. The brightest beacon she interacted with led her underwater, where she clearly ‘saw’ the wreck, with the pots and debris all around. She estimated that estimated that water was about 350 feet deep, and the ship had sunk around 720 BC.

Image of Phoenician shipwreck found via remote viewing Taking in what she ‘saw’ and making mental notes of the layers of energy that she was discovering, Paulina psychically investigated the wreck, and the energy patterns. She also interacted with the ghost of an ancient mariner…. those of you who have read her book, may remember the story of her discovery of a Turkish Galleon and experiences with the ancient mariner. This was actually a disguised story of the Phoenician Boat.

Paulina didn’t want to disguise that find in her book, and distort the truth, but she was asked to do so by the masters, guardians and other beings who wanted to make sure that the energy templates she had worked with in the area, would be secure to ‘run their frequencies’ without human interference until the time was right – a ‘time’ in the future, when the collective consciousness was vibrating at a frequency where the historic information and energetic imprints held within the wreck, would not get damaged or unwittingly destroyed.

Over the years since her discovery, the image she saw upon the ocean floor has stayed with her, and she sometimes wondered if it would actually be physically found, either through science or other means in her life time. She was intrigued then, just a few months ago, to see the ‘picture’ that she had preserved in her memory, appear online. Intrigued, Paulina went to the website to investigate and there for all to see was a picture of the Phoenician wreck that she had discovered so many years ago.

In 2007, eighteen years after she found the wreck through remote viewing, a team from the French National Research Agency conducted a seabed survey in the area, and detected sonar anomalies at a depth of 360 ft. They investigated, found the shipwreck and took photos.

remote viewing discovers Phoenician wreck Many explorations have occurred since, and things have also been removed (perhaps you can understand why her galactic friends and the Earth herself wanted to protect it?). Science has also dated it back to 700 BC, which is interesting to Paulina, as she was only 10 feet out in her estimate of its depth, and just 20 years out of their calculations of when it sank.

To date, there have only been seven Phoenician shipwrecks discovered in the Mediterranean, and each of them is helping science and archaeology create a better picture of what really happened on this planet and when. The shipwreck Paulina remote viewed, is the only one so far to be found deeper than 330 feet below the surface, so it is providing a unique opportunity for marine archaeologists and scientists to explore how the Phoenicians (who are the direct descendants of the Canaanites), moved around the oceans, where they went, what they carried and who could have been on board.

While Paulina is fairly certain that the scientists and investigators would not be interested in the ghost of the ancient mariner that she discovered, and what he shared with her about what his life was like and what he was doing, she still lives in hope that one day relatively soon, such mainstream discoveries will incorporate psychic and clairvoyant investigations, as they can be pretty exact and help create a dynamic picture of history that includes numerous energetic fields with potent and important information in them.

In the meantime, Paulina is happy to know that the energy work she did in the company of the beings from other realms was successful, and was fully working and undamageable within less than eighteen years. Plus, now she can share the truth of that particular story and what kind of boat she really discovered while remote viewing off the coast of Malta so long ago.

Paulina Howfield (also known as the Earth Whisperer) is a medium, clairvoyant, healer, therapist and Earth Energy Specialist. She has been interacting with the Soul Consciousness, Energetic Grids and Geomythic Templates since the 1980s and teaches about our collective spiritual awakening, the divine feminine, our ancient cosmic origins, and galactic consciousness. She teaches and speaks all over the world, about our relationship with the Earth and helps everybody to remember that we and the Earth are one. Click on these links if you would like to listen to her talks and speaking engagements or view her interviews. She also offers consultations in healing, space clearingghostbusting and land healing, and does readings with her Soul Whispers Cards which you can also purchase. You can also read her articles, view her blog, purchase her book, or join her on facebook

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We and the Earth are One

We and the Earth are One
Everything is Inter-connected
There is No Separation

This bounteous, life-giving planet has given birth to each one of us, and we each carry the Earth within every cell of our body.

We have loaned our bodies from her, and at some point, she will claim them back. But until then, our Mother Earth, nourishes and protects us in every moment, She gives us air to breathe, fresh water to drink, food to eat and healing herbs to cure us when we are sick. What a blessing and a privilege for us all!

We and the Earth are One

Every breath we take, we inhale her nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and trace elements. When we breathe with mindfulness, we can experience our inter-connectedness with her delicate atmosphere, her body, her plants, her stones, her waters and her animals.

It is time for everyone to remember that Mother Earth is not something outside of us. She runs through our veins, and we are made from her clay. Our heartbeats are designed to beat in harmony. She is us and we are her. What we see and experience on this planet, is not our external environment, it is us – the reflected manifestation of our cells, our blood, our waters and our bones!

Paulina Howfield teaches about our relationship with the Earth and helps everybody to remember that we and the Earth are one. Click on these links if you would like to listen to her talks and speaking engagements or view her interviews. She also offers consultations in healing, space clearing, ghostbusting and land healing, and does readings with her Soul Whispers Cards which you can also purchase. You can also read her articles, view her blog, purchase her book, or join her on facebook

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Healing Springs and Healing Water

Healing Water is a sacred aspect of Mother Earth, and she has given us access to her essences of water all over her body.

Whether we bathe in the waters, drink them, or sit in their vicinity with an open heart and mind, each body of healing water offers a unique frequency of healing, alignment and cleansing.

Many of the healing water sites are also enhanced by the devic energies, natural elements and cosmic guardians. Some, like Chalice Well in Glastonbury, have an extra something else as well, having been enlivened with the energetic stamp of an ancient and cosmic symbol.

As you can see in this picture, Chalice Well has a vesica piscis on the lid of the well, and also in the design of the lion fountain a few feet away. This symbol fosters healing of matter in the waters, and links us back to cosmic creation; the sacred geometry within our DNA; and the beginnings of all things in the physical world.

The healing water in this Well also opens our HEART Chakra, and many people make regular pilgrimages to the well and springs there to ‘fill their cup until it runneth over’ and then drink it and/or use it for healing – either by direct application to the subtle bodies or via energetic resonance. I love this sacred water so much that I took a picture of it for my ‘Healing Card’ image in my Soul Whispers Deck.

Paulina Howfield teaches about our relationship with the Soul and helps everybody to remember that we and the Earth are one. Click on these links if you would like to listen to her talks and speaking engagements or view her interviews. She also offers consultations in healing, space clearingghostbusting and land healing, and does readings with her Soul Whispers Cards which you can also purchase. You can also read her articles, view her blog, purchase her book, or join her on facebook

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Pay Attention To Your Thoughts

It is time to Pay Attention to your thoughts to discover WHO YOU REALLY ARE

You are not your thoughts yet they influence you in every moment

To fully recognise the influence your thoughts have on your daily life, you need to pay attention to your thoughts, as often as possible. This helps develop your awareness and brings your inner and outer worlds into alignment.

Pay attention to your thoughts

Thoughts Are not Who We Are, What Can We Do?

Bring your inner and outer worlds into alignment by ‘noticing’ or paying attention to your thoughts. First thing in the morning, when you wake up. Pay attention. Take note! What are the first thoughts you have? You are not judging or assessing them, just paying attention to what is present in the morning when you wake up and what your thoughts are. Then through the day, notice your thoughts – while at work, at home, when walking or sitting, when resting or exercising, when alone or in company.

Pay attention when you interact with others and notice where your thoughts go. How well do you listen to the other person? Are you sorting out your answer, thinking of a clever repartee, worrying about how you look or sound, and if they like you or you like them? Do your thoughts lead the conversation or do they distract you from being present? Are you in the moment with no thought, completely present in the now, or are you in the memory of the past, or in thoughts of the future?

Notice your thoughts in absolutely every moment – while you are eating, when you are relaxing, when you are reading, when you are using the computer, when you are watching a movie, when you are driving, when you are waiting in a line. When doing everything and anything, pay attention and discover where your thoughts lead you and what they rest on. You may be surprised by the lanes and pathways your thoughts take.

Paulina Howfield teaches about our relationship with the Soul and helps everybody to remember that we and the Earth are one. Click on these links if you would like to listen to her talks and speaking engagements or view her interviews. She also offers consultations in healing, space clearing, ghostbusting and land healing, and does readings with her Soul Whispers Cards which you can also purchase. You can also read her articles, view her blog, purchase her book, or join her on facebook

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The Collective Spiritual Awakening and The Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence on August 16-17, 1987 was a time of activations that triggered the Collective Spiritual Awakening and what we see and feel taking place in the world right now is connected to what we did back then.

the collective spiritual awakening triggered by the harmonic convergence

It’s incredible that it was 34 years ago today that many thousands of us gathered all over the planet to meditate and perform ceremonies at sacred sites and ancient temples as part of the Harmonic Convergence.

The two days of Harmonic Convergence are often known as the ‘Global Peace Meditations’, described as people coming together with Consciousness, in harmony and community, to infuse love and light into this planet and the collective consciousness of humanity. In reality though, there were actually many esoteric layers to the gathering and the reasons why people took part, and one of the ‘esoteric layers’ of the global gatherings was its purpose in being an activation device for the collective spiritual awakening of humanity.

So today, on this 34th anniversary of the activations of the collective spiritual awakening of humanity, what is happening on our planet right now is part of the ‘conscious liberation of the collective shadow’ that is in part a result of these very activations.

It has taken thirty-four years of ‘letting in the light’ and ‘infusing love’ in as many places as possible, for the collective shadow to be able to be exposed everywhere on this planet at the same time.

It has taken thirty-four years for the collective and individual ‘un-owned’, ‘un-expressed’ and ‘un-acknowledged’ darkness, abuse, oppression and violence to be exposed for deep cleaning.

What a shame it came to this! Yet also what a blessing, as the effects of our ‘unconsciousness’ can be more fully experienced and in return cleansed by all.

Everything in this universe and on this planet is inter-connected – from the smallest amoeba to the largest constellation. To fully clear all that prevents us from being liberated and whole, we are being prompted to fully see, feel and acknowledge the shadow of our human experiences and to fully understand how every living thing on this planet, as well as the planet herself is affected by what we do, think, and feel.

Mother Earth knows this; the beings that visit us and share their wisdom know this; the animals, birds and trees know this; the water, fire and air know this; and the ether is full of this information. Now we humans just have to ‘know’ it too, and feel it deep in our hearts, as we decide what we want to co-create together… matter how long it takes, and no matter what has to be exposed in this journey of collective spiritual awakening.

Paulina Howfield (also known as the Earth Whisperer) is a medium, clairvoyant, healer, therapist and Earth Energy Specialist. She has been interacting with the Soul Consciousness, Energetic Grids and Geomythic Templates since the 1980s and teaches about our collective spiritual awakening, the divine feminine, our ancient cosmic origins, and galactic consciousness. You can interact with her via email at the contact page, join her on facebook, and listen to her talks. She offers numerous consultations related to Earth, Consciousness, Therapy and Healing, has written a book about her energy work, and created a Soul Whispers Card Deck

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The Lion’s Gate Portal 2021

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021?
How Does it Effect Human Consciousness?

The opening and activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal effects our Human Consciousness every year…and it’s meant to! It is all part of an ancient cosmic design from the Great Central Sun and Beings in higher realms – to open our minds, bodies, hearts and souls to higher frequencies; to enable our individual and collective galactic memory; and to connect us to supreme divine energies.

I have recommended connecting with the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal on the 8th August for many years and this year I am delighted to see that more people than ever are sharing information about it, and wanting to connect at this time. How wonderful! Could it be that it is the right time in the process of our great spiritual awakening for this to Happen?

What does the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal do?

The energy of the portal always helps us in our collective and individual journey of deep cosmic remembering, and links us to our innate galactic consciousness, Mother Earth, and the aspects of our cosmic light bodies that are connected to Sirius (read more below).

This year, the Lion’s Gate Portal also opens at a new moon, when the heavenly bodies are pulsing our physical and subtle bodies with the frequencies of Aquarius, Uranus and Leo. Which means that every single human on this planet is being pulsed with light frequencies and vibrations to help us lift our attention to a new way of Being Human that incorporates a loving heart-mind connection; joy, peace and gratitude; and a heart directed expression of living soul to soul on, and with, this planet.

What can you do as the Portal opens?

As the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021 builds and starts to open Earth’s planetary energy grid, our human hearts and our subtle bodies are being filled with Light Frequencies that come from way out in the Cosmos at the Central Sun and source of All That Is.

So why not, over the next few days, make conscious time to link into these energies. Welcome them into your subtle bodies, mind and soul. Help them light up your life, open your heart, and settle your mind, and let the energy of the Grand Central Sun reach into your heart-mind to help you develop your unique Cosmic Frequency and Galactic Consciousness.

What happens next?

Once the Stargate/Portal is fully open, the Light from the Central Sun will pass through our Sun and then through Sirius. As it does, our subtle bodies will be pulsed even more by the Light and flooded with new frequencies. These frequencies can activate that deep cleansing that our minds, bodies and cosmic heart needs. So do what you can to encourage deep cleansing and healing within and without.

On Sunday after the full opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal, the Light encoded frequencies it emits will enter the Earth grid point near the Sphinx and Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. So send a thought to that part of our planet too.

Visualise and Meditate

Visualise this light moving out, across and through our planet’s subtle bodies and energy grids, transmitting even more encoded frequencies as it goes. This is important as the frequencies coming in via the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021 connect us to -*the ancient wisdom of Egypt;*the frequencies of the Cosmic Halls under the Sphinx; and*the mysteries of Cosmic Consciousness;  Each pulse, every light filled activation, will bring us closer to our Cosmic and Soul remembering.It is powerful and profound, and brings even more change and a potential for greater awareness. What a Blessing!

Paulina Howfield (also known as the Earth Whisperer) is a medium, clairvoyant, healer, therapist and Earth Energy Specialist. She has been interacting with the Soul Consciousness, Energetic Grids and Geomythic Templates since the 1980s and teaches about our collective spiritual awakening, the divine feminine, our ancient cosmic origins, and galactic consciousness. You can interact with her via email at the contact page, join her on facebook, and listen to her talks. She offers numerous consultations related to Earth, Consciousness, Therapy and Healing, has written a book about her energy work, and created a Soul Whispers Card Deck

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Christ Consciousness Meditation for the Epiphany

‘Meditation for the Epiphany’
led by Paulina Howfield on the 6th January 2021

A Meditation for the Epiphany to: a) Connect listeners to the Christ Consciousness within; b) Awaken the inner Self as ‘Christ in Action’; and 3) Activate the filaments in the DNA and Light-Body.

 It will ALSO assist in reclaiming cosmic memory; staying centred; and releasing fears.

Thank you Paulina! That was beautiful and powerful – I could feel my cells changing and light of Christ consciousness healing!

Christ activation meditation for the epiphany image

This Meditation for the Epiphany was created by Paulina Howfield to coincide with the January 6th day of celebration, as it has an ancient connection to the ‘seeding’ of Christ Consciousness in the body of the Earth and the collective consciousness of Humanity.

As the experience of individual and collective awakening to ‘All That Is’ unfolds, Paulina believes that each of us will benefit from reclaiming deep cosmic memory, and remembering what this Consciousness actually seeds within us and why, and this 30 minutes Meditation for the Epiphany was designed to assist that.

In the first eight minutes of this audio, Paulina briefly shares information about the geomantic knowledge behind the Epiphany, and the esoteric meaning and energy of Christ Consciousness, that she has discovered in her own journey of deep cosmic remembering; and her many decades of working as a clairvoyant geo-mythic interpreter, esoteric mapmaker, Earth energy specialist, grid engineer and lightworker.

If you just want to do the Meditation for the Epiphany and not listen to the esoteric information, the Meditation starts at 8mins.15sec. You can listen to the Meditation at this link

Paulina Howfield focuses on Re-connecting with Soul via Personal and Planetary Healing and regularly leads meditation journeys, runs workshops and delivers talks. She offers consultations in land healing, earth consciousness, remote and hands-on-healing, and art and soul therapies.

If you are interested in finding out how she can help you, see her land consultations, visit her healing therapy pages and read this blog about healing therapies. You can also contact her by email to discuss a consultation, and connect with her on facebook where you will find out more about her work and interests. You can also sign up for her newsletter, listen to her cosmic conversations and talks to learn more about energy in the land; energetic imbalances in the heart, mind and body, and what you can do to cleanse, heal and repair them.

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The Star Conjunction, the Solstice and the Awakening

The Star Conjunction and the December Solstice are Reaching into our Psyches

The star conjunction and the Solstice energies The Star conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is aligning with the Sun and Celestial energies to help us awaken to the truth and remember who we are.

It is also happening at the time of the December Solstice, when a great build-up of cosmic energies reach their zenith point. At 9:02 pm tonight (my time) the Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its most southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator. At the same time Saturn and Jupiter ‘conjunct’ and if your night sky is clear, you will potentially see them shining very brightly, so close together, that they appear to be one large illuminated Star.

the star conjunction approaches in the night skyThis illuminated ‘Star’ is so big and so bright that it taps into one of our collective mythologies that has been celebrated throughout the world for thousands of years in stories, songs, hymns and rituals. The most well-known aspect of this story is how a very bright star became a beacon for three wise, rich, or powerful men to find a new born baby and offer it their gifts. In the Christian religion, the star conjunction is known as the Star of Bethlehem and there are three wise men, who were led by the light of the ‘Star‘, to find the birthplace of baby Jesus – also known as ‘the new born king’. This is powerful mythology, with strong archetypal imprinting, that has resonated in our Collective Astral fields and Archetypal DNA for thousands of years and links back to the development of the patriarchal system as well as the veiling/hiding of our inner Christ Consciousness.

the connection between the The Star conjunction and medieval era It also taps into a historic era that was a time of great change for humanity and had profound effects on the collective psyche, which in some ways mirrors what is happening for us today. While Saturn and Jupiter have a near meeting in the sky every twenty or so years, the last time this particular alignment took place was in the 12th Century, during the Medieval Era which began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Medieval period was a time of the collapse of central authority, technological and agricultural innovation, feudalism, climate change, sprouting of kingdoms, the crusades, the development of universities, scholasticism, and linking faith to reason; as well as a strong focus on theology, religious art and architecture. Towards the end of the period there was famine, plague, pestilence, the black death, revolts by the peasants, schisms with the Catholic Church and the death of many due to heresy trials and the Inquisition.

Time of Profound Change Mirrored in the Star Conjunction

It was a time of potent change in the medical, spiritual and religious understanding within the community, which is similar to what we are collectively experiencing now, and if you have seen any of the artwork and stories from that time you will have noticed that there was also a lot going on in the sky at that time too, with regular sightings of angels, lights and UFOs in the heavens, as well as the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction… all of which was resonating in the psyche of the people then and is resonating within many people at this time in our collective awakening.

The Star Conjunction in the night skyAs the cosmic push continues to help us awaken and remember, and cleanse/heal our collective astral fields and archetypal DNA, the movements and energetic influences of celestial bodies like the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and others – that we are all intrinsically linked into – are helping us to grow and change. They are reminding us to cleanse the shadow and embody the light; go within to find the truth; and take steps towards becoming our own inner king and queen – rather than to keep looking without for answers and searching for the heroic saviour.

Profound times and profound impulses reaching us from the heavens… so tonight when the Solstice happens, and the Star conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter takes place, take a breath, breathe in the light… look at the Sun, and watch the bright star in the night sky….and remember!!!

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Remote and Distant Healing in December 2020

Remote and Distant Healing every Sunday and Wednesday in December

Every Sunday and Wednesday in December 2020 Paulina Howfield connected with the angels, spirit doctors, and cosmic and divine beings to send remote and distant healing, energy, prayers and help to whoever asked for it. The focus changed every session. Below is a sample of the information – from a few of those December Sessions – that she shared on facebook to those on the list.

If you are interested in her remote and distant healing, you can learn more here, or email her at, to find out how she can help you or your group.

Remote and Distant Healing 2nd December

On Wednesday 2nd December, the focus was people and animals. If a person or people, or any animals would benefit from healing and divine energies their name and location was placed under her FB post and they were included in the prayers and healing energies being sent out.

This information was shared on her facebook page on Wednesday 2nd December, after the Remote and Distant Healing was sent:

Today’s healing energies and prayers are travelling out across the ethers reaching into the energy templates and soul frequencies of those who are on my list. Many beings came forward to be in service, and every person and animal has received individual attention and healing.

Often in group healings, the individuals that make up the group energy have something in common, and many are inter-connected from other life times, particular constellations and different dimensions. The connection in this group is the ‘energetic effect’ of the journey through Sirius and the Sun to arrive into this particular 3D incarnation.

In case you are interested, the healing energies came from the Lion People; Crystal Beings; Sirius C; Arcturus; Pleiades; Archangel Raphael; and Eagle Medicine; as well as the violet and green rays. They also all received healing for their throat area and fifth chakra.

Remote and Distant Healing for 6th December

The focus for this group healing is mind, thoughts and emotions. Archangel Michael, Cosmic Beings and Ray Masters will be stepping forward in service, so anyone who wants healing and prayers for thinking patterns, fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, loss, grief, stress, PTSD, and anything else you can think of, place your name/s under this post

This information was shared after the Healing was sent:

Healing energies and prayers are travelling out across the ethers reaching into the energy templates and soul frequencies of those who are on my list.

Archangel Michael stepped forward to be in service, as did Sekhmet and a Rose Quartz guardian. Two Arcturan spirit doctors also came in, as there were people on the list who‘d had injuries, shock and trauma from accidents, falls, and surgeries. Plus they are very good with healing mind programming!

There was also a lot of Horse energy around too, as I had spent a few hours in the morning healing and interacting with horses, and as always, they wanted to give something back. So, some of you may feel like you have a bit more ‘horse-power’ in your energy fuel tanks.

We also spent a lot of time sending healing and prayers to the energetic imprints of loss, grief, stress, fear, anxiety, depression and all kinds of mental programming within the human collective consciousness. This Wednesday’s healing will have a focus on joints, bones, muscles and soft tissue, which I will post more about tomorrow

Free Remote and Distant Healing for Wednesday 9th December

Tomorrow’s healing focuses on joints, bones, muscles and soft tissue, and includes the spine, hips, knees, wrists, shoulders, elbows, clavicles, ankles, tendons and ligaments. It will be relevant to issues in this life and past lives as well, and can be for people and animals. As usual there will be spirit doctors, angels, cosmic beings, guides and spirits animals stepping forward in service.

If you want to receive healing and prayers tomorrow (my time) and have not yet contacted me, please put your name and location below this post, or contact me by email. Writing your name and location shares a vibration and helps those in service in other realms connect with your energy template. If you want to identify the specific need you can also mention that too

Information sent out after Healing on 9th December:

What a blessing it was to be part of this healing today, as helpers from many dimensions and numerous species stepped forward to be in Service, with over 105 people and animals receiving individual attention and healing.

As I have mentioned before, often in group healings, the individuals that make up the group energy have something in common, and many are inter-connected from other life times, particular constellations and different dimensions. The connection in the group today was the Inquisition and Witch Hunts – a powerful and painful time for those living and dying in that era, or any other era that has a similar vibration.

Many healers, medicine people, homeopaths, herbalists and spirit doctors stepped forward to repair with plant and flower medicines, surgeries, body energy reparation, and emotional healing. They worked to heal all damages, pain and distress; and re-set and re-align old injuries. They also prayed to the beloved within.

Metatron came in as overseer and sent frequencies that re-aligned the sacred blueprint and geometric patterns in the body firmament of all those on the list. His focus was to help each person with their conscious ascension process. Goddess Sekhmet sent nurturing and support, Dolphins healers balanced water energies, St Germain arrived with the gift of the Violet Flame, and Mother Mary and Alara – a Rose Quartz Guardian, sent love and healing to the hearts and bodies of all those on the list. May your bones, skeletons, joints, tendons, ligaments, soft tissues, hearts, minds and emotions experience a difference.

Remote and Distant Healing and Prayers – Sunday 13th December

The focus will be ‘organs’ – skin, brain, eyes, lungs, heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver, and ‘systems’ – blood, lymph, endocrine, digestive and reproductive.

If you want to put yourself, or others, or any pets on the list, and haven’t yet let me know, please place your name under this post, include your location and, if you want, a little about the issue, or send it to me via email me at

I will send out the healing and prayers in the morning AEST – and post on Sunday afternoon my time, sharing how it went and who came forward in Service.

Information sent out after Remote and Distant Healing 13th December:

The healing energies and prayers generated today are moving out across the ethers to reach into the hearts, minds, organs and systems of those on the list.

It was an interesting gathering today, led by Metatron, and Archangel Raphael. Sekhmet, Saturn and Cronos also stepped in to help with betrayal, disappointment, loss and ravages of time.

A few crystal guardians stepped forward: the rose quartz guardian Alara worked to help love and peace infiltrate the cells; a Sodalite guardian came to help balance the mind and boost the immune system, as well as enhance the inner knowing and intuition of all that received healing; and a Selenite guardian stepped forward, to flood the bodies with Liquid Light to dispel negative energies, and bring calm and clarity to the mind.

The Selenite guardian and Cronos also helped with cord cutting for past lives and future lives, as a theme for this particular group was Karma and Retribution between the past and the present!

The celestial energies from Saturn are a strong influence at the moment, and so Cronos also sent energies to shine the light on issues, illnesses, thoughts and maladies that are connected to the karmic influences – as these influences have been impacting the health and well-being of the organs and systems of each body.

Each person on the list also received individual attention from Metatron to reinforce the blue print of the firmament, and Archangel Raphael worked with two spirit doctors to cleanse the kidney meridians and reduce inflammation in the bodies, which has been relevant to pain, heat and imbalance in the ‘organs’, and disorders in the subtle energy fields.

Paulina Howfield has been a healer, medium and channeller for many decades, and uses her skills to help the land, humans, animals, stones, rocks and trees. She also cleanses, repairs and heals houses and buildings. If you would like to learn more about her skills and what she does with Earth Energies and geo-mythic templates, go to her earth energy specialist pages, and also find out about her book ‘Remembering Isis‘ where she discusses her healing work at the Goddess Temples, and her Readings and Soul Whispers Cards. You can join her on facebook, or  linked in, listen to her speaking at cosmic conversations or talks and also sign up for her newsletter or blog to learn more.


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Growing into the Light – Tree Wisdom

Trees Can Help Us Understand Making Choices and Growing into The Light 

A few years ago I looked after a house, that had a large verandah wrapped around its second storey. It was surrounded by trees and each one had its own life experiences to tell.

The beautiful tree in this picture is an enlightened being, and is very clever. The tree talked with me every day and I happily and gratefully listened to all that it had to say. It talked a lot about growing into the Light.

Tree wisdom and growing into the light When it was a seed it flew in the wind to a beautiful big garden. But the wind dropped and it fell from a great height onto a large rock. The seed hoped that the wind would blow hard and pick it up so it could find some good soil to grow in. But the wind never came. Just the water and the sun.

The seed wished that the water would wash it towards the soil. But it didn’t. The sun and the water just made the shoot grow. So, the seedling grew suckers, held on tight and grew on the rock.

Over a few years it grew into a small tree, and stretched its roots around the rock so that they could reach into the earth below. Receiving nourishment from the soil, it grew wider and stronger. But it needed the Light.

For ten years it reached up towards the Light, but then unexpectedly, just as it was beginning to really stretch its limbs, some humans built a house, and its wide spreading limbs had nowhere to go. It took some time and a great deal of effort and focus, but after a few years it managed to turn its limbs back onto themselves, and they began to reach for the Light in the opposite direction…away from the wall of the building.

All went well for a few years but then a tree down the hill had a big growth spurt and its canopy stopped the Light getting through. It was time again to change direction, as the Light is what was needed to help the tree limbs grow. So, the tree sent its energy back down into the roots. It took its energy within and did no outward growing for two years, as it worked on how to change direction and move further into the Light. It worked to re-stabilise its roots, and then three years later it reached them out further along the rock. The next year its foundations were strong, and it sent off more shoots reaching up past the canopy into the Light.

All these experiences happened to the tree many years ago and it is now always in the Light. Its roots feed its family system and it passes the knowledge of its experiences to trees up to fifty miles away. It also shares its experiences with its animal and human visitors. Which is how I found out as we chatted every day.

I share this story, because it is a metaphor that may help some of you today or in the days and weeks ahead. I know that for many people ‘life’ and ‘daily life’ has changed profoundly. Many people wonder what life will bring, what is around the next corner, and whether they will just survive or thrive. Things don’t always turn out as we hope or plan for. When things change unexpectedly, they help us separate the wood from the trees (pun intended).

We can go within, develop inner strength, re-consider options, think laterally and make new choices – while still reaching for the Light. We can let go of worry, be flexible in our options, and focus on the experience of living in the now. Sometimes we go within, at other times we reach out. Sometimes we need to surrender, and other times it is time to take action. But whatever happens, our inner wisdom and personal choices are always available.

It is the choices we make that manifest the changes in our lives, and embody the quality of our living. We have so many choices to make every day – from what time to get up, what to eat for dinner, when to have a shower, who to talk to, what to read, what to listen to, where to sit, when to sleep and where. Each choice helps us strengthen our mind and body; heal our heart and soul; develop more awareness; and grow into the Light.

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