Author Archives: Paulina
Sun Visualization to Heal Ancestral Patterns

The Sun is such a powerful force to help us change and grow, and a Sun Visualisation to connect to its Light, can help us understand and heal our ancestral patterns. As we head towards the full moon on the … Continue reading
Fires in the Amazon Rainforest

73,000 Fires in the Amazon Rainforest Fires in the Amazon rainforest happen annually. They are the favourite method of de-foresting Brazil. Yet this year many people are concerned about the damage they are causing to the natural eco-system in the … Continue reading
Aquarius and Leo this Full Moon

The Cosmic Energies of Aquarius and Leo Make This Full Moon Powerful! The current full moon in Aquarius is in exact opposition to the Sun sign of Leo, and creates a battle in our psyches between all that we know … Continue reading
Cosmic Consciousness and the Lions Gate Portal

The Lions Gate Portal re-opened on the 8th August This Stargate Portal is once again filling our planetary energy grid, human hearts and subtle bodies with encoded Light Frequencies. These Light Frequencies, that come through the Lions Gate Portal, come … Continue reading
Remote Viewing and Land Healing

Remote Viewing and Land Healing Services I often get asked to do remote viewing and land healing for people, animals, and their land. My service can be delivered all over the world and also out into the galaxies, as this … Continue reading
Channelled Information in Star Trek

Many movies, books and TV programmes incorporate channelled information from entities, non-human intelligences and beings in higher realms. Sometimes the teachings come from an author or producer’s direct personal contact with beings or UFOs, sometimes the information comes via dreams, … Continue reading
Beltane – The Union of Heaven and Earth

Beltane celebrates the consummation or sacred marriage between the Earth and Sky, and this union has been re-enacted throughout the centuries Beltane Ceremonies have been in full swing across the planet as people celebrate another marker of the change of … Continue reading
Energy Template at Notre Dame, and the Divine Feminine

What Effect Does The Energy Template At Notre Dame Have On Our Collective Consciousness? What can we learn, when we explore effects of the energy template on our daily lives? Paulina Howfield believes the effects of the fire on the … Continue reading
Planetary Alignments Can Help Heal Old Wounds

Are you ready to be Conscious? To be Awake to Who YOU really Are, and live your life free from old wounds, unwanted behaviours and distressing thoughts? If so, the current Planetary Alignments can help heal old wounds and help … Continue reading
Soul Whispers Card Reading & Meditation for the March Equinox

Meditation for the March Equinox At the bottom of this page, you can find the link to the Meditation for the March Equinox The Meditation includes an in-depth explanation of the Soul Whispers Cards Reading mentioned below, with all cards … Continue reading