March Equinox 2018

The March Equinox is on Wed the 21st at 3.15am

Can you feel the energies building? Perhaps you are experiencing their effects in your thoughts and feelings, or maybe in the way you are interacting with others.

The March Equinox is a great time to connect with the energies of the Sun for growth and personal transformation. So why not link into the Golden Orb to claim back cosmic memory and heal all sense of separation.

Image of March Equinox

March Equinox

The March Equinox is a great time to connect to the energies and frequencies of the SUN for deep change and inner cleansing. So bask as much as you can in the higher frequencies of light that the SUN is currently sending our way……Even when it is cloudy, or raining, and even when the sky is covered in trails, we can still access the real energy of the Sun and all the transformative effects.

During the next week, as you perform the regular activities of your daily life, consider how the energy of the Sun impacts you. While you may not consider its effects to be of extreme importance in your life, if the Sun was to disappear and everything was to go black – as prophesied for at least six days sometime in the future – how would you feel without it? Could you orient yourself? Would you feel stable without any light from the Sun?

Access Cosmic Memory At The March Equinox 

image by paulina of sunset at equinox

Sunset at Equinox

The Sun has been worshipped by many of us in the history of our planet and not just for the Light that is given, but also for the cosmic memory that is shared. During the next seven days as we approach the Equinox, why not make the Golden Orb in the sky a ‘familiar’. Breathe in the light that is emitted from one of the largest orbs in our cosmos, and fill your subtle bodies with the energy as it bounces across the planet! Sit with a sunset or sunrise. Breathe in deeply, reach your arms to the sky and give thanks.

Let the Light lift your frequencies; let it cleanse your chakras; and with gratitude and love encourage it to activate the ancient encodings in your cellular blueprint, so that you can claim back your cosmic memory and heal all sense of separation.
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Working With Nature Spirits on the Land

Working with Nature Spirits on the land is important and helps us create healthy and harmonious landscapes and habitats

If you haven’t done it before, now is the time to start harmoniously interacting with the Nature Spirits on your land

image of nature spirits in rocksWhen we live on land, when we work with land, and when we are guardians of the land, it is important to create a harmonious relationship with the devic energies present and interact with them to find out where they live and what they need from us.

Then, if we create structures, make water storage areas, place gardens or plant trees on the land, the Nature Spirits will be the guides of this process and we can create habitats and spaces that are in balance with the nature devas and the cosmic forces.

We can also then be sure that we have not destroyed any of their habitats. This is common practice in Iceland. When a new building is to be created, or a new corporate development constructed, the government and construction crews interact and work with the elves, dwarves and faeries. Maps get drawn and any new building must take into account the homes and communities of the little folk.

Maybe you are not creating harmonious interactions with the Nature Spirits that occupy the same space as you because you don’t know how

So How Do We Tune Into Nature Spirits?

Here is just one way. For anyone who has never done this before, be patient and open hearted and it works really well:

Interacting with nature spirits When you are walking on the land, or sitting quietly, keep your heart field open, and notice what you feel, see and hear. Notice what you are hearing, experiencing and sensing …wind rushing in the trees, birds calling out or flying past, the sound of water running, or animals moving about. Take note of anything at all, as this is the natural world communicating with you and encouraging you to attune to it.

Then call out to the Nature Spirits – either in your mind, your heart, or with your voice and introduce yourself – as you would if you were talking to a person you just met, a new baby, or your dog. Tell them who you are and why you are on the land. Let them know what you intend to do and why. Then tell them you would like to have a relationship with them, and keep communicating with them.

Some of the devas are shy and they need to trust you before they will communicate in ways that you are familiar with, so persevere on a regular basis and gradually they will begin to share their energy and their presence with you and you will develop a profound relationship that will be in harmony with them… it will also be one of the most delightful relationships you will ever have.

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Black Madonna in Southern Queensland

There is a replica of the Polish ‘Black Madonna’ at the Pauline Monastery on Tambourine Mountain

She hangs on a wall in the Black Madonna Chapel near Canungra.

Black Madonna

The real icon, which is in Czestochowa in Poland, is said to have been painted by St Luke on a panel that came from the table used by the Holy Family. There is a strong connection between the Pauline Fathers who are custodians of Marian Valley and the Madonna, since they have also been custodians of the original Black Madonna icon for centuries.

The term ‘Black Madonna’ refers to a painting or statue of Marian/Mary with dark or black features. Many have been found across Europe and date from medieval times. They are said by scholars to represent the true identity and meaning of Mary as Isis, because in Aramaic black means ‘sorrowful’–which links the Blessed Mother to Isis who was called ‘sorrowing’ in her search for Osiris.

Statues and Paintings of a Black Madonna are in Churches Throughout the World

Of the hundreds which presently exist at various shrines, some of the better known images are: Our Lady of Altötting [Bavaria, Germany]; Our Lady of the Hermits [Einsiedeln, Switzerland]; Our Lady of Guadalupe [Mexico City]; Our Lady of Jasna Gora [Czestochowa, Poland]; Our Lady of Montserrat [Spain]; Our Lady of Tindari [Sicily], and the Black Madonna at Rennes Le Chateau

Stephen Benko theorizes that “The Black Madonna is the ancient earth-goddess converted to Christianity.” His argument begins by noting that many goddesses were pictured as black, among them Artemis of Ephesus, Isis, Ceres, and others. Ceres, the Roman goddess of agricultural fertility, is particularly important. Her Greek equivalent, Demeter, derives from Ge-meter or Earth Mother. The best fertile soil is black in color and the blacker it is, the more suited it is for agriculture.

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Creating Labyrinths On Your Land

Creating Labyrinths On Your Land Helps You Connect With The Earth And The Invisible Realms

When we become ‘guardians’ of land we are often asked by the devic energies, angelic beings and the Earth herself to create a symbol of some kind to activate, elevate, cleanse and balance the land.

creating labyrinths on your land

In my land healing and space clearing consultations I create Medicine Wheels, Labyrinths, Atlantean Designs and Cosmic Symbols on people’s land, and then activate and bless them. These symbols help cleanse and balance the land, and are also great places to do ceremony and ritual. Each symbol, wheel or labyrinth will have a unique interaction with the land and the people who visit.

When we create Labyrinths they draw higher dimensional energies directly down into their telluric or 2D pathways where energy flows. (This is why Labyrinths are often placed at sacred sites)

When we walk in labyrinths we can have profound spiritual experiences – As we walk along the pathways we access the higher vibrations, and also interact with the innate telluric energies. Because they draw energies up and pull energies down, our chakras are activated, and our subtle bodies are cleansed.

The action of walking-in and walking-out bridges the energies of our mind and body, helping to open and activate our energy fields at the same time as awakening our cellular memory of the geometry that holds our bodies in form.

creating labyrinths on your land

If you have some land that you are a spiritual guardian of, and you want to honour the elements, devic and angelic realms, and the Earth herself, why not consider creating a symbol, wheel or labyrinth that you and your visitors can interact with. You will help create harmony on the land, and develop your relationship with the invisible realms. You can find out how to do these online, or you can contact me for advice and/or assistance.

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter for Paulina Howfield and Matrix Harmonics

It’s almost the end of December and this past year has been filled with energetic influences that have helped raise our personal frequencies, and enabled each of us to experience deep soul growth. Its nearly the first day of a new year and all that 2018 will offer ( see below), but before I talk about what the new year is bringing energetically, I wanted to acknowledge the profound Solstice that we have just experienced, share some links to recent interviews and talks, and let you know that I am making two days available for personal sessions while I am in Rye for the Star Family Gathering. I will also be joining Julian Kaufmann in his 100 day Gong Meditation Journey from the 1st of January (see below). Before you scroll down, I also want to thank each of you for joining me on my journey as I travel around whispering with the Earth, and learning what she can teach us about who we are, where we come from and why we are here.

As I have spoken this year at different gatherings, people have come up afterwards to thank me for sharing the wisdom of the Earth. A good number of those have told me they felt a Grandmother energy coming through me. I am humbled at this prospect and recognise the responsibility that comes with it. I endeavour to always check with the Earth for her truth and share only what I am asked to and make sure that it is relevant for NOW.  Who we are and what we do is reflected always by our intentions, our actions and our integrity. I feel so blessed to have the relationship I do with the Earth and our Cosmos….and in the weeks, months and years ahead, I wish that you too will experience the joy and deep connection to consciousness that such a relationship brings.

The Solstice

Sun at Solstice

The Solstice energies on the 21st/22nd December had a strong influence on our subtle bodies, that continues at the moment. It coincided with the Geminid Meteor Shower and the ongoing Mercury Retrograde, providing a powerful prompt to change and live at a deeper connection with our Soul and potential for 5d Expression. I did a Solstice ceremony with some friends that cleared the old and set in the new in harmony with our Soul. If you wish to read a post I recently put up about this here is the link – Soul At Solstice

Recent Interviews

In October I spoke about my near death experiences on the Witching Hour at 4zzzFM. You can Listen to interview here and I spoke about my ‘Near Death Experience and Soul Triggers’ at the Afterlife Studies Group in Brisbane

On the 4th December I spoke with Nyck Jeanes on Bay FM about my work with Earth Energies and my book ‘Remembering Isis – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta’ (you can find our conversation at about the 9.50 time mark). Listen to interview here

On the 15th December I spoke on Alive and Live with Lisa D Evers about my near death experience, the afterlife, past lives and consciousness. It is about an hour long, with a big Ad in the middle. You can download it and have a listen when you get time. There is a sound issue on this recording – which is also mentioned by the interviewer. It seems that my frequencies messed up their sound recording system – I hope you will persevere: Listen to interview here

Happy New Year

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and I thank you for your company as we travel this journey of life together. If you haven’t connected with me on facebook, please do, either on my personal page, my author page or at theearthwhisperer

2018 in numerology, is an ’11’ year. It holds a Universal Frequency, is a Master Number, and connects us to the symbolism of Shambhala.

Master Numbers possess great potential for learning and growth, and can bring major transformations in our life. They resonate with intense, high vibrational frequency that works within the etherial, magical and transcendental realms of creation, so the year ahead holds great potential for us as a species; as a collective consciousness; and as individuals.

As we continue on our journey towards spiritual liberation, the number 11 provides a clear channel to our subconscious, and this is the part of us that needs to be cleansed and full of light. It is now time to permanently clear the shadow of our subconscious behaviours; cleanse our programmed thinking patterns; and heal our unconscious emotional issues.

This is of course not new ‘News’ and for many of us who have been involved in healing and clearing energy fields for many years, there is a sense of having been ready for these changes for a long time…but we are a collective consciousness, not just a group of individuals, and in full Bodhisattvic teachings – we cannot move forward as a collective until the last person is ripe; ready for the change; embracing the change; and living the change.

So 2018 leads us closer to having the experiences on Earth that we have been waiting for. It will help more of us wake up and cleanse our fields; it will be  a year filled with a lot of powerful celestial energies; it will be a time when we recognise more of our cosmic nature; and is a year filled with 365 days  when our collective subtle bodies resonates with the vibration of the Sanskrit word – Shambala.


Shambala 2018

The word ‘Shambhala’ resonates to the Master Number 11 in numerology… and is the perfect word to help us embrace the greater potential of our Universal 11 Year.

We are being primed to remember who we are, to remember how beautiful the world feels when we experience our lives through our hearts and how when we choose to create Shambhala in everything we do, we awaken the best in ourselves and inspire others to do the same

So this year each of us has the FREEDOM in our hearts/minds to choose to experience Heaven here on Earth, a place of Shambhala. We have the choice to live our lives being kind to one another, to live in harmony with the Earth and to be in service to something greater than us. What a great omen for the next 365 days and I wish each of you well as you continue your journey.

Mastering Meditation

In January, Julian E. Kaufmann, spiritual teacher and author of ‘Let it Go, Let it Flow’ is starting a ‘100 day Power Gong Mastering Meditation’ and he has asked me to participate in it and lead a morning meditation. In psychology we say that if we do something for thirty days it becomes a habit that is hard to break. So if we do this for 100 days we should be well and truly permanently resonating at a different frequency. I hope you can join us for that. Here is the link to the meditation group Prime Mover Group

Star Family Conference

Star Family Conference

In the first weekend in February 2018, I will be speaking at the Star Family Conference in Rye in Victoria. It is promising to be a great gathering with an interesting group of speakers and I am happy to talk about how we can Develop our Galactic Consciousness, and also run a three hours workshop where I teach how to access galactic consciousness and cosmic archetypes, and then travel to the stars to connect with your galactic memories.

I will also be speaking on the Sunday evening panel and attending the dinner, and hope to see you there.

Plus I am taking bookings in the two days after the Conference for healing or past life sessions, soul retrievals, energy alignments, remote viewing or land clearing. You can contact me by email or phone for any of these, but do book in soon, as there are limited places.

Driving through ‘Country’

First though I will drive slowly down to Melbourne from the northern rivers area in New South Wales. I will be playing ‘tourist’ a bit and will also catch up with some friends along the way. Then I will have a few days at the haunted Buchan Caves interacting with whatever energies present themselves.

After nearly five weeks of sleeping under the stars, walking over the land, and using a tripod to take photos of the moon and constellations, I should be deeply connected to the energies of the Earth and her cosmos – ready to share more with you about the current changes we are experiencing as well as more wisdom for the ancient ones.


Art Image for Sale 'Medicine Healing I' by Paulina Howfield

Medicine Healing I

If you are interested in any of my products – ‘books’, ‘soul whispers cards’, ‘meditation CDs’, or my ‘Artwork‘ – please go to my website ( and click on the ‘products’ header and see the drop down menu. If you wish to find out more about my healing, art therapy and energy sessions check out the drop down menus under the header ‘therapies‘ or ‘esoterica‘.


Here are links to recent Blogs that I have written that may be of interest to you. Plus there are numerous Articles you can read – many that I wrote when I was the London Correspondent for Sedona Magazine:



That’s all for now. I send many Blessings to you all for a happy holiday season and a joyfully transformative 2018

Paulina xx

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Interacting With Our Soul at Solstice

Incorporating the Energy of our Soul at Solstice

Sun at Solstice

Interacting with our Soul at Solstice, helps us interact with high frequency celestial energies for deeper spiritual understanding. The Solstice is a time when the energies of the Sun are at a point of change. It heralds either the shortest or longest day of the year and a change of season. At a very basic level it is about Light – how much Light we can access every day from the Sun; and how can we use that Light to cleanse our subtle bodies, release our inner shadow, and build our light quotient.

Our Soul is a Light Body and is the essence of who we are. So if we interact with the wisdom of our Soul at Solstice, we can harness Light more easily, use that Light to cleanse our own particular shadow or unconscious aspects, and build our energetic light Quotient in harmony with Soul based wisdom.

What Are You Avoiding?

At this particular Solstice, we are also being affected by the retrograde energies of Mercury, where our Souls are prompting us to attend to anything within us that we have as yet avoided, ignored or been asleep to.

We can help these celestial energies move through us and create more light in our frequencies by developing a Soul based intention.

So ask your Soul – What am I avoiding? What am I ignoring? What do I need to wake up to? Take note of the answers you receive and commit to working at a Soul level to cleanse, heal and en’light’en your energy field.

The answers you require, or the prompts that you need, may come via an unexpected encounter with a person, an animal or a guide. Or they may come via a reminder of an old pattern, an old belief, or an outdated behaviour that you recognise and know well in your personal journey.

As the answers manifest, take note of these messages from your Soul, and use them as a trigger to help you embrace change, cleanse your field and lift your frequencies to higher dimensions.

Soul Whispers Cards Can help Us Too

Interacting with Soul at Solstice

Soul Whispers Card readings help us interact with Soul

You could also take yourself back to the ‘Beginning’ – as prompted by the card I pulled from my Soul Whispers Cards. It tells us – ‘When I’m confused and uncertain it is the story of the Beginning that brings me back to centre’.

Our Beginnings lead us to the stars and the cosmos – the heavenly bodies and celestial energies that we are all made of. Connecting with our Beginning – who we are, and where we come from – we link into our Soul Truth. A truth that is so profound and so sovereign that we cannot ignore it or look elsewhere for answers.

Our Soul knows who we are, it knows why we came here, it knows what we came to learn, it knows what we came to embrace and it knows what we need to let go of. It also knows how to work in harmony with all that is happening on this planet at this time.

So as the Solstice approaches, let your Soul be your guide, let its wisdom resonate in your subtle bodies and let it help you do whatever it needs at this time

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Arcturan Healers Work With The Light

Arcturan Healers Work with the LIGHT

I am fortunate to have a relationship with a group of Arcturan Healers who often assist me in my healing and energy work. They can manifest as ‘spirit’ doctors, and ‘spirit’ vets to help clear and balance the energy fields of humans, animals and plants, and they can manifest in other forms to assist in the Earth energy work that I do.

LIGHT In the Energy Field

Arcturan Healers help with the light One of the most intriguing and exciting healing powers that the Arcturans possess is their ability to increase our LIGHT Quotient. In simple terms, LIGHT Quotient is the available amount of LIGHT energy that we maintain in our energy field, and it is increased by our ability to sustain a connection to the higher realms of consciousness and maintain this connection in a stable manner.

As we raise our vibration, and resonate with higher energies and a higher reality, we must raise our ability to anchor or ground this vibration and expand our consciousness.

Increasing LIGHT in the Body

So a high LIGHT Quotient is what we need. But we need to be able to Anchor our LIGHT and sustain it in our frequencies, because without the ability to Anchor the LIGHT we will reach new heights of awareness and have peak experiences, but we will never stabilise the new level of consciousness permanently in our life.

Work with the LIGHT to Clear the Shadow

This is what I do with people, plants, animals, and the Earth, in partnership with the Arcturans and many other helpers. I work to clear the shadow, bring in the LIGHT, help raise frequencies AND Anchor the LIGHT, so that our individual and collective level of Consciousness can be maintained in the LIGHT and we can consciously engage with 5D reality everyday.

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Clearing Ancestral Trauma Held in The Subtle Bodies

Are You Being Called to Heal and Cleanse Ancestral Trauma From Your Subtle Bodies?

As the energy frequencies change and we are elevated to new states of consciousness any ‘ancestral’ trauma that is stored in our subtle bodies gets activated. It may be from previous lifetimes, from other NOW lifetimes that our Soul is currently experiencing, or it could be trans-generational or collective.

Studies of DNA, genetics, social patterns and behaviours, stress and resiliency, attachment disorders, PTSD and more, have confirmed how stress and trauma may be carried over to children and grandchildren, and it can now be proved that genetic imprints of traumatic experiences can be passed from one generation to another.

‘Collective’ trauma describes how traumatic experiences are shared by a group of people or even an entire society, and can remain chronic and carry over into future generations. My work with the imprints from earlier civilisations, that explore our collective memories from the Flood, our falls of consciousness, the ‘sinking’ of Atlantis, the collapse of Mu, and the impact of many past events on this planet, indicate to me just how much trauma our collective species is carrying within our DNA and social patterning about past events and realities. As our DNA is activated and expanded this will impact us and our energy levels

Clearing the Patterns of Trauma

Clearing unconscious memories and energetic imprints from past and future lives can help this, as can energetic work and multi-dimensional healing. Stepping out of the fear paradigm and recognising the mythic and archetypal resonances that fuel us will also help. Herbs, plants, the energy of our food and the way we think, feel and act can also impact how we clear or hold these patterns in our subtle bodies.

Homeopathy can help us too at this time, as it works on an energetic level and can cleanse and release ancestral trauma from our cells, our subtle bodies, and our Soul memory. It can help cleanse isolation and despair, deep seated fear and anger, anxiety and depression.

There are of course many modalities we can use and interact with at this time to help us clear ancestral trauma and you will know what is right for you. What is important to remember is to be easy on yourself, and love your thoughts, your emotions and your body.

Moving Permanently to Higher Frequencies

Moving towards a permanent, holistic elevation of frequencies that resonate higher than 3D is a process and it involves a mix of shedding and elevation. Shedding the old, healing trauma and cleansing primal wounds takes as long as it takes, and there are often many layers to our inner onion.

But the call is out there and it is impacting us from within and without in every millisecond of our existence. NOW is the time to heal old wounds, to cleanse all sense of separation and remember the Sovereign Shiny Beings that we truly are.

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Animal Medicine Teachings for Equinox Celebrations

Animal Medicine Teachings for Equinox Celebrations via the ANTS and HORSES

To honour the energies present in this Equinox, I asked for guidance from the Medicine Cards. What I wondered can this Equinox help us understand about our species and our planet?
I pulled two animal cards – the ANT (patience) and the HORSE (power). Both beautiful representations of what is happening on this planet and in our collective consciousness.

Ant Medicine

animal medicine teachings for equinox celebrationsANT Medicine is the strategy of patience! It is about group mind and self sacrifice, but patiently. As we change collectively and individually it is important that we realise everything happens at the right time and dreams come to fruition at their own pace.
We have become used to personal gratification and swiftness in getting what we want, but this journey of change and collective spiritual development cannot happen overnight.
But more than that, ANT Medicine cautions for us to be aware of ‘those individuals who make greed a way of life prey on the fear and urgency of those who have forgotten natural and tribal law’. It requests that we become aware of users and con artists, and don’t allow panic to outweigh our natural sensibilities.
This seems very wise counsel as the collective is fed what those in power wish us to believe. Wars are started in our name, greed is sanctioned in the name of progress and the truth of who we are and what we are really here for is veiled in secrecy so that aggressive plans based on the need for power take the forefront in our imaginations.

Horse Medicine

animal medicine teaching for equinox celebrationsHORSE Medicine is about Power and counsels that when we live in tribal law, in harmony with all things, and in particular with the Earth, we recognise that Power is not given lightly but awarded to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner!
This Medicine teaches us how to strive for a balanced medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering our total journey. Wisdom comes from remembering pathways we have walked in another person’s shoes. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing our gifts, talents and abilities are the gateways to power.
With HORSE Medicine we can remember to embrace and heal the shadow. That it is in the Void, where the answers live. The East – where the sun rises – and is reflected in the Equinox, is where illumination lives, and is the home of the yellow stallion. The white stallion that is filled with the light of the Sun is the message carrier for all other horses – and represents wisdom in power! This is the embodiment of the medicine shield – that no abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom.

The Clarity of Animal Medicine Teaching

This is a powerful teaching for this time! And really at any time! WE need to become our own wise counsel, follow the path of peace, and heal our shadows of greed and power. I believe that it is time to develop and cultivate our relationship with our intuition and clairvoyant self – which has a great ‘lie’ monitor and can feel the truth and HOLD the truth in times of necessity.
Now is the time to step out of the shadows and hold the light. There is no enemy but that which we ‘perceive’ to be real. Our thoughts and perceptions are not real, they are projections and illusions.

Connect to the Earth 

It’s time to connect with the Earth, connect with each other and let go of the need to separate, live in fear and have power over. There is no-thing and nothing that can be taken away. It is time to Change our beliefs and surrender to the REAL truth. Get out in nature, meditate with the Earth, and let the Earth teach you who you are, where you come from, and what you really need.
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September Newsletter

September Newsletter 2017

I would like to extend a personal welcome to all the new people receiving this September Newsletter and I look forward to a long relationship with you as we grow together. Each Newsletter aims to let you know what I am up to, and also give insights into our individual and collective spiritual journey.

This morning I walked around the garden taking photographs of the flowers as they open up to the sunlight for the day. I am in the hinterland on the east coast and while the days are warm, the mornings often have a touch of frost or dew and the plant and bird life has an extra air of magic as it embraces the light, the moisture and the breeze.

I will soon be leaving here and heading south for another Conference but at the moment I have a few days left to soak up the energies and enjoy my day trips to around this lush area. We have had some interesting celestial events while I have been in this area and the clear skies have been perfect for serious star watching, full moon photographing and more.

September Equinox

We have also had the transforming frequencies of the September Equinox which helps us develop a relationship with the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies. In ancient cultures the potential influence of celestial bodies on a life was well documented, and readers and scribes were employed to do charts and transitional aspects for important occasions. We of course do that via astrology and some cultures create charts for the newborn, for marriages, deaths, specific special events and to work in harmony with create auspicious alignments.

So whether we are aware of it or not the heavenly and celestial bodies are always influencing our lives, our subtle bodies, and our frequencies.  At the time of the Equinox it was the transition of the Sun that was the focus. Fortunately many of the stone temples and ancient structures display or document the trajectory that the rays of the Sun make, as they light up the stones at the time of Equinox and Solstice.

Their clever design displays this movement of the sun and/or moon over many centuries, which is a wonder to behold, and a great reason that many people throughout the eons have gathered at temples at Solstice or Equinox to witness the glory of the light from the Sun and do ceremonies. If you go to this link, you can read this BLOG I wrote about why connecting with Stone Temples at this time is helpful.

Sunsets I have Seen

Speaking of the energies of the Sun – I have recently been pleased to see how many people gather across the land to witness the sunset and sunrise, on a daily basis. Whether alone or in groups, people are stopping to spend time with what the Sun.

In my shamanic studies in north America one of the shamans often told groups how important it is to spend time in the energy of the sun every day – most particularly in the morning at sunrise and the evening at sunset. This is a time to connect with the Sun and feel the rhythms of the day and the heavens. A time to embody the light and nurture those parts of us that can only be lifted by contact with the energy of the Sun.

So if you have not taken time out recently to do so, I hope the energies of this Equinox – that were greatly influenced by the transit and frequencies of the Sun, inspired you to spend more time in communion with the Sun, Stars and the Earth over the next few months, as their energies help us transform our frequencies and teach us how to engage with our Soul and Consciousness at a galactic level.

Clinton Pryor – The Path to SOUL Power

Over the past six months I have been inspired by following the journey into power taken by Clinton Pryor as he has walked ‘across country’ from Perth to Canberra in order to meet with the Politicians and share his view on the injustices that continue to happen to his people through government policy.

Clinton is Indigenous and his sense of injustice primed him to walk across the nation to meet up with those people who govern this Nation and have a discussion. It has taken him months to walk and he has worn out numerous pairs of shoes as he took his millions of steps. Along the way he developed a social media presence and regularly posted about his day, the people he met and his feelings. He also met Elders along the way, and many times he was gifted by the Communities he visited and others began to join and support him.

Over the months his energy was transformed. He is an inspiration to many at this time, as his frequency and physical form displays the power of the land, and the power of a man gently walking with soul, connecting with his roots and his innate wisdom.

Many people forget that everything in life is an opportunity to live with Soul and as we each have a different Soul and a unique purpose, our journey of living with Soul will take many forms. Clinton’s took the form of finding his power and his voice to help others. Here is a link to his pages and I hope he reaches into your heart, helps you make a deep connection with your inner courage, and strength and  inspires you to fulfil whatever your Soul mission is.

Fulfilling Soul Purpose

I have a ‘knowing’ that it is important to live our Soul Purpose in every lifetime. While it helps us to fulfil our purpose and truly do what we incarnated for, it also helps us to bridge the ego and the soul. When we are born the ego helps us ‘survive’ and gain independence, but many of us begin to resonate only with the ego as their life develops. Connecting with Soul Purpose however, enables us to consciously bring forth gifts from other times, live with a deep sense of connection, and embrace love, personal choice and responsibility. So Living With Soul, speaking from Soul and acting with Soul helps us connect more deeply to who we really are and why we are here.

Afterlife Discussion Group

I recently spoke at the Brisbane Afterlife Discussion Group and it was humbling to see how many people came.  They arrived with open hearts and minds to listen to what I had to share about my own near death experiences, the afterlife, and my thoughts on the idea that our near death experiences are arranged by our Soul before we incarnate to help us wake up to our purpose and bridge the ego and soul.

I talked about this at the Afterlife Conference in January this year and have written a few articles and blogs on this topic as well, as I hope it may help each of us to make deeper sense of this energetic world we are part of and our multi-dimensional aspects. I think it also helps us answers those age old questions – What happens after we die? and Where do we go? It also prompts us to bridge the ego and live with Soul purpose.

Stepping into the Light

There are so many people who are sharing their stories of their NDEs, which is heartening and inspiring. But it also appears to be bringing up a confusion and uncertainty about what the light is made of and whether or not it is really just another control programme. I discussed this in my talk at the Afterlife Discussion Group and people told me they found it helpful, so I plan to put a video and audio together to discuss this further – which should be ready before the end of the year.

In the interim, here is a link to a Blog that I wrote about this topic – Also, if you wish to find out a bit more about Soul Encoding and Near-death Experiences here is a link to an article I wrote in January for Verandah Magazine that discusses what I talked about at the Afterlife Conference and explains in more detail why I think Soul Encoding is important and helpful in each life –

Paradigm Shift Summit

I also spoke at the Paradigm Shift Summit on the Gold Coast in August, and did an interview for a documentary that should be out sometime next year. It was a great Summit, and organiser Anthony O’Flynn did a great job in selecting a variety of speakers that discussed numerous aspects of the Shift in Consciousness that we are experiencing. I enjoyed catching up with other speakers I know and listening to Evan Strong, Danny Searle and Maree Batchelor.  Videos for all the talks are being edited, and as soon as I am told they are available I will send out a link. In the interim here are some images I took at the Summit – of those who help behind the scenes – as none of these events can happen without such help, and these many people work hard to create the event that we all get to enjoy.

Transformational Shift Conference

In two weeks, on the 4th-8th of October, I will be in Forster NSW, speaking at The Transformational Shift Conference. I have recently discovered that numbers are limited at this Conference so if you are still thinking about attending, please do get a ticket as soon as possible, as there are some great speakers there – which you can find out about here. It sounds like this will be an ‘intimate’ Conference which will enable you to have a more personal interaction with the other delegates and every day there will be a closing panel where you can ask questions and interact more personally with the speakers.

Tolec, is the organiser of this Event. He is connected with the Andromedan Council – which I know resonates with many people at this time – and he is bringing colleagues from the US with him, as well as his friends from the Council to help us explore opening the heart, connecting to the Earth and the Stars, and developing our Galactic Consciousness. This Conference will be a great opportunity to listen to interesting thoughts and ideas about how to awaken, and also align with what is happening.  It will also be a fantastic opportunity to meet some of your tribe.

Galactic Consciousness

Developing our Galactic Consciousness is also part of this collective journey that we are on and I will be discussing this in relation to the energies of Malta, Sedona, Macchu Picchu and Newgrange at the Conference in Forster. At the Star Family Conference in Victoria in February 2018, I will be talking about how to develop our Galactic Consciousness by connecting with the Soul of the Earth, and will also be leading a workshop called ‘Pathways to the Stars – which you can read about here. There is also a strong possibility that I will present a version of this workshop for the Encounters Group in Brisbane in late October/November, so will let you know about that soon.

SOUL Whispers Cards

Image of a selection of the Paulina Howfields Soul Whispers Cards

My Soul Whispers Cards have now just turned One. My social media page alerted me to this anniversary and I thought I would share it with you. I am consistently moved by how many people are receptive to them, love my photo images and words. They were nurtured and developed via my Soul and they once again highlight the power and love that comes with living and expressing ourselves with Soul.

The Soul at the Goddess Temples

'Remembering Isis' book launched for Newsletter December 2016My book ‘Remembering ISIS – Reconnecting the Divine Feminine at the Goddess Temples of Malta‘ – is another Soul speak project, and since publishing it last year, I have been genuinely surprised by how many people want to discuss ISIS, or have a deep connection with Malta through family history – often via a mother or grandmother.

The energy templates on Malta have a profound influence on the energies of our collective consciousness and our spiritual evolution into the Divine Feminine – that is why I was a)drawn to do my esoteric map-making there, with the help of the Sirians, Pleiadeans, and Ray Masters; and b) compelled to write about Malta’s importance and my telepathic and clairvoyant experiences, so that others could feel that connection too.  PLUS the idea of galactic consciousness, what it is, and how to interact with it, is being embraced rapidly by people who are attending my talks and sharing their truth, which is gratifying and also exciting, as we move journey further along this particular wave of our changing consciousness.

Private Sessions

So that’s my current Newsletter. Don’t forget I can still do personal sessions in Wellness, Healing and Living With SOUL even while I am travelling and we can talk on the phone or on skype. If I am in your area, we can also make a time that I can meet up near your home or some other place. If that is your preference, and I am always doing remote viewing so location does not matter.

Rumi Wisdom

Today I want to leave you with Rumi’s lovely poem – A Guest House. I met a woman on my travels who was journeying across Australia to heal some old wounds – which travelling heals well, especially when we engage with our journey as a Pilgrimage of the Soul. Anyway, she sent me an email of Rumi’s poem, thinking it would be new to me. But it isn’t and has in fact been a favourite of mine for many years.  But It resonates with so much that is happening for our collective at this time of NOW, as we change our frequencies and begin the process of remembering that we are not our bodies, we are not our thoughts or emotions and we are simply consciousness experiencing itself in numerous forms. So this poem – written below – is a perfect example of how to recognise this truth in every moment.

‘Guest House’

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the sham, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Till next time, in love and light from one Soul to another……..



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